❗7. Why is my power negative?
Last updated
Last updated
support@rollercoin.comNegative power issues may occur due to a poor connection to the site, which can result in improper site functionality. This is often caused by outdated cache and cookie files preventing the site from correctly updating your account.
To resolve this issue, we recommend the following steps:
Clear your browser's cache and cookie files.
Ensure that AdBlock or similar programs are disabled on the RollerCoin page.
Check for interfering browser extensions in your browser settings and disable any that may affect RollerCoin's functionality.
After completing the above-mentioned steps, perform these ones:
Remove all the miners from your Room and place them in your Inventory.
Manually move the miners back from your Inventory to the Racks in your Room.
If the issue persists:
Take a screenshot of your power displayed in your Room with the Miners in your Inventory.
Take a screenshot of the power shown in My Profile → Profile Stats with the Miners in your Inventory.
If the power remains negative, please contact support@rollercoin.com with a detailed explanation of your situation. Attach the screenshots in high resolution so our support team can assist you promptly.