4. Why don't I receive a Power from Games?
Keeping old data in your browser could potentially cause some problems with our website, which may affect how much power you receive from playing games. But no worries, we have some suggestions to help you out!
First, try logging out and clearing your browser's internet cache. Then, close your browser and reopen it. Make sure your browser's cookies are enabled in your settings. Finally, log back in and give it another try.
If that doesn't work, please try accessing RollerCoin on a different browser or device.
Also, let’s imagine that you played one game 7 days ago at 10:24. That means that on the 8th day, at 10:24, you will lose power from this game, regardless of whether you played the game again or not. So, you can play 100 games every day, and you will hold your power from around 700 games, since your previous games will start decreasing. Also, note that the Bonus Power you gained as a reward for games or Event Pass is temporary as well.
PC Level gradually increases depending on the number of games you play daily, and higher PC Levels hold power for 3, 5, and 7 days accordingly!
Last updated