15. What types of the Power there are?
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support@rollercoin.comLast updated
There are 5 powers in the game that all amount to your final, Total Power:
Miners. This is the basic power from Miners that you can get. Most often, you would find this power separated from the Bonus Power percentage:
Bonus Power. This power comes from the bonus percentages of all miners you own. Unlike basic power, Bonus Power applies to the combined total of your mining and game power, not to the individual miner itself.
Rack Bonus. This is the additional power you receive for placing miners on racks that provide bonus percentages. It works differently from Bonus Power.
For example, if you place a miner with 100 Th/s on a rack with a +5% bonus, you will gain an additional 5 Th/s.
Games. Power earned by playing games. This type of power is temporary and lasts for 1, 3, 5, or 7 days, depending on your PC Level.
Temporary. This is the power you obtain from special events or drops. Like game power, it is temporary.
All these types of power are summed up to calculate your Total Power!